Introducing Newest Aloe Vera Gel and Different Ways to Use it

Introducing Newest Aloe Vera Gel and Different Ways to Use it

19 Oct, 2022

Aloe from the Glowing Side! 

MINATURE introduces its newest Aloe Vera Gel to complement its 100% Natural Aloe Vera Powder and Aloe Vera Gel Powder. 

Aloe Vera is perhaps one of the most widely used herbal home remedies for numerous skin conditions. This spiny-looking plant is fantastic when it comes to its healing properties. This is because the gel-like components of the plant have various healing properties for minor skin ailments. 

Read below to know more about Aloe Vera Gel, its benefits and its uses. 


Heals Dry and Flaky Skin 

Aloe Vera Gel is one of the best herbal and natural remedies for dry and flaky skin. It has moisturizing and hydrating properties, making it a perfect pick for dry skin. So, if you have dry skin, especially in winter, it is what you apply on your face or dry areas. This is the best benefit for aloe vera to be applied to your face. 


Aloe Vera gel soothes and protects skin from sun damage. It is an all-season remedy for sunburns. It forms an epithelial layer to safeguard the skin from harmful radiation. Aloe vera gel locks the moisture into our skin for longer hours, preventing dryness. 

Helps Reduce Acne and Blemishes 

Aloe vera gel has anti-bacterial properties that help reduce acne and blemishes. If used regularly with lemon and tea tree oil, it can help get rid of acne and blemishes for good.  

Treats Stretch Marks 

With various milestones that we hit, our skin undergoes various changes, including stretch marks. Applying aloe vera gel twice or thrice a day on the affected areas can reduce stretch marks and adds a layer of moisture to the skin. 

Helps Reduce Signs of Premature Aging 

With time your skin tends to lose its elasticity and the signs of aging like, smile lines, crow's feet and saggy necklines become more noticeable. Aloe vera gels can help your skin to retain its moisture and gives back its radiance. It helps reduce visible fine lines, wrinkles, and premature signs of aging. 

Uses of Aloe Vera Gel for Skin

  1. You can directly apply MINATURE aloe vera gel and leave it on throughout the day
  2. Aloe vera gel can be mixed with lemon and tea tree oil and applied to the skin 
  3. You can mix aloe vera gel with any MINATURE face pack
  4. You can make homemade lotion using aloe vera gel, coconut oil, essential oil and beeswax. 
  5. You can mix aloe vera gel with Vitamin E oil to apply to your face. 

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